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Barefoot Stimulation

About Barefoot Stimulation/Primal Movement

As humans beings, we are bipedal, which means that whatever happens at the foot level will have a direct repercussion on the rest of the body.

Using techniques and movements I learnt from Dr. Emily Splichal, Mike Fitch and Gary Ward, I integrate barefoot stimulation drills, primal movements and joint alignment to improve:

  • Foot function
  • Pelvic stability
  • Posture
  • Strength and Mobility
  • Power, Agility and Balance

Whether it’s in my SkiFit Program or with Rehabilitation clients (pre/post surgery, MS…), I often use proprioceptive feedback from the Naboso Technology mat for greater sensory stimulation of the feet and hands.

Closed kinetic exercises have proven to gain greater strength throughout the entire body and even more when the small nerve endings on the skin of the feet and hands are stimulated.

I think the improved proprioception and barefoot work saved me from another fall and sprain. I can feel my feet!

- Meaghan

Training barefoot on the Naboso mat while pregnant greatly helped release any back pain. It's fantastic. Plus Gee's mobility drills make you feel SO much better afterward. It literally made my life better.

- Elisa

Introducing Animal Flow to my exercise routine was not only fun but life changing. I learnt to move properly and was able to enjoy my kite-surfing camp.

- Tanya


Book a complimentary consultation with Gee today and see how he can help you move better.


Free Animal Flow introductory small group training.